The future of the left since 1884

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Ageing in the middle

The idea of the ‘squeezed middle’ is at the heart of today’s political debates about economic recovery and living standards. It’s a pithy phrase reflecting evidence that people in the middle of the income distribution have seen their incomes stagnate...

The ‘one nation’ test

Labour is slowly moving from mere response mode to feeling out more concrete terrain on what its next state may look like. Some have argued they have taken too long to make this transition but, the publicity (and departmental research...

The opportunity for a place-based approach

Both ‘Total Place’, initiated through a partnership between the last Labour government and local government, and the current coalition government’s ‘Whole Place Community Budgets’ have much to offer to the debate on future spending choices.

I was the programme director for...

Utopia sustained: The Nordic model of social democracy

According to what one could call the ‘golden age narrative’, social democracy is a political ideology that came to fruition in the post-war decades but has since run up against its limited shelf life. This narrative plainly does not fit...

Dilnot diluted

Jeremy Hunt’s recent announcement about social care funding has been met with a mixture of cautious relief that something is being done to tackle the crisis, and disappointment that Dilnot’s more generous proposals are not being fully implemented.

Social care funding...

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