BECCY COOPER MP: Coastal communities are facing a health crisis. Our political system is to blame
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DAVID KITCHEN: A decades-old generic drug could be the key to helping more people with schizophrenia
The third instalment of Your Time Starts Now, an analysis of the pressing first-term issues Labour faces, originally published in the autumn 2024 edition of the Fabian Review. Featuring RICHARD ANGELL, OLIVER WALSH and NATALIE PERERA on seizing 'easy wins' to improve lives while spending less
WILLIAM ROBERTS: Prevention is better than cure – and the wider public health workforce can help us get there
To move the NHS from a sickness to a wellness system, we all need to be partners in our own health.
In this pamphlet, Charlotte Augst and Paul Corrigan set out to identify the factors that have scuppered progress on health system reform, and refine the calls for change into two simple questions. First, how can the NHS work with people to keep them healthy? Second, how can the NHS strengthen the contribution people themselves can make to their health and healthcare once they have acquired an illness or an impairment?