The future of the left since 1884

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Fabian Summer Conference: Early Bird Ticket Offier

This exclusive early bird offer is only available to people who have recently purchased tickets for Fabian events and allows you to buy a ticket for our Summer Conference on July 6th at last year's prices.

Update: The early bird ticket...

The 2013 local elections in key constituencies

This short paper, based on data, examines how the marginal constituencies which will decide the next General Election voted in the 2013 local elections.

The 2013 elections took place for the most part in the least Labour-inclined parts of England. They...

Budget 2013: LIVE BLOG

13.46: That brings the Budget to a close, check back at the Fabian Review for a round-up and responses. Thanks

13.44: Housing completions now at their lowest levels since the 1920s, the result of a 'failing economic plan from a failing...

The changing messages of Team Obama

Like many politicos I have a collection of maxims that guide my political analysis. Two of my favourites are 'change beats experience' and its counterpart: 'attack can beat change'.

Together they have been the frame that has dominated the Obama/Romney contest...

Three ways to make conference better

Last week I wrote about conference, and continued to ask what conference is for. So I thought I’d build on the three ideas I threw out at the end of the piece that I think might make conference work better...

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