The future of the left since 1884

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Home Truths

This research confirms that the public politics of housing benefit is complicated and dominated by negative attitudes towards claimants. But the research also demonstrates ways in which a more nuanced and positive debate can be fostered. This more positive debate is crucial for the fight against homelessness and poverty in the coming years.
By Natan Doron and Robert Tinker.
June 2013

Climate of clarity

David Cameron came to power promising to protect the NHS and also badged his coalition as ‘the greenest government ever’. Both promises have, to a large extent, become a source of ridicule for the coalition. But on both the NHS...

Ending the other care crisis

“A politician is like the person who would build an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, instead of constructing a good fence at the top.”

Never did the phrase seem so apt as last week when NHS leaders warned that...

There’s red as well as blue in the union flag

Normally it’s Conservatives who like to wrap themselves in the union flag. Yet Labour could in fact now have most to gain from an assertion of progressive nationalism.

Not the customary left of centre perspective; but the rationale goes from hard-headed...

'Cradle to Grave' for new times

A few days ago I heard a homeless woman say she’d ‘worked all her life’ but ended up on the streets. Perhaps she’s the tip of the iceberg. A growing number of working people are relying on food banks, working...

Fabian Summer Conference: Early Bird Ticket Offier

This exclusive early bird offer is only available to people who have recently purchased tickets for Fabian events and allows you to buy a ticket for our Summer Conference on July 6th at last year's prices.

Update: The early bird ticket...

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