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Five things we learned about the economy in 2014

1.       This is a new kind of recovery
When is a recovery not a recovery? This year the UK’s growth has taken off in a way quite unlike the aftermath of previous recessions.

Your view of the performance of the economy in...

Labour must reclaim the BBC's future from the Tories

Sometimes, you have to feel sorry for BBC executives. No, really, you do. There they are, doing their best to ensure a future for their corporation and its anachronistic funding system, the TV licence. And then one of their most...

A new Treasury view

There has always been a strand in Labour thinking that has had it in for the Treasury.

The argument goes that all that is holding a victorious Labour government back from transforming the British economy into a fair, growth-orientated, balanced place...

Education: Nothing ventured, nothing gained

The financial crash of 2008 has sharply exposed the increasing misalignment of our education system with its fundamental purpose – to meet the future needs of the labour market, and to effectively equip all young citizens with the knowledge and...

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