The future of the left since 1884

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Fighting for Breath

This week has been perhaps the last sunny one of the summer. But if you notice a haze in the air, that’s because we are experiencing yet another smog episode in London.

In the past few days alone, figures have shown...

All of our business

We know what we are against, but what are we for? Ed Miliband struck a chord with many people when he contrasted the evils of ‘predatory capitalism’ with the virtues of ‘productive capitalism’. Almost all of us hate the banks’...

Why it matters: A new social contract

Amidst the torrent of questions for the Labour Party, this one certainly stands out. How do we ensure that the people we seek to represent believe that politics matters – and that Labour politics will make a difference to their...

Women growing the economy

Sunday, 15th September marks the fifth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers that triggered the financial crash.

I think we all remember how, in the aftermath of the crisis, meetings and media were brimming with enthusiasm for how finance could...

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