The future of the left since 1884

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Family and Kinship in East London revisited

As well as being the 75th anniversary of the Beveridge Report, 2017 also marks the 60th anniversary of the publication of Family and Kinship in East London, Michael Young and Peter Willmott’s classic account of working-class community in post-war Bethnal...

Green Europe: Reconciling the local and the global

Silence is never the way to win political arguments. A strong commitment to European co-operation and a sustainable environment should be at the heart of centre-left politics. But, faced with their perceived lack of political saliency, the solution for left...

Why we should empower communities to protect nature

The rise in Green party membership has been big political news recently, putting environmental issues firmly on the election map. And while many appear to be drawn to the Green party’s apparent commitment to equality and fairness, as well as...

Why the left offers more to green philosophy

Roger Scruton is someone you want to like. Anyone who writes on the philosophy of wine, on the nature of beauty, and on why conservatives should care more about the environment (as he does in this book) seems an affable...

Scrapping green levies won’t help the fuel poor

Much of the debate on energy prices has focused on the role that so-called ‘green levies’ have played in contributing to rising costs, as we saw in David Cameron’s announcements yesterday.

Back in party conference season there were already indications that...

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