The future of the left since 1884

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Our history

The Fabian Society is Britain’s oldest political think tank. Founded in 1884, the society has been at the forefront of developing political ideas and public policy on the left for 140 years.

Learning to change

When the Labour Representation Committee was formed by the Fabians, the trade unions and others in 1900, it set out to use democratic politics to tackle the inequalities thrown up by the industrial age. Exploitation and social decay were exploding...

Politics in the platform age

The election marked a turning point and a radical Labour victory is now within grasp, argues Jeremy Gilbert

What made the extraordinary and unexpected result of the 2017 election possible? Several popular explanations have been widely circulated. The first attributes the result...

The offer to voters

We asked parliamentarians, Fabians, writers and academics for their Labour policy ideas

Although the country is still waiting for the publication of Labour’s manifesto, we already have a good idea of some of the flagship policies it will contain. First, there...

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