The future of the left since 1884

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In It Together

There are good reasons why a new approach to business – where concerns
around economic long-termism, public health, environmental sustainability and strong local communities become integral to a profitable British business model – should appeal to both the political instincts of the left and to the bottom line of businesses.
By Robert Tinker and Ed Wallis
January 2015

Silent Majority

New social housing in the UK is a popular idea, as this research shows.
By Natan Doron and Robert Tinker.
September 2014

Measure for measure

These proposed measures are not ends in themselves, but means to delivering the resources and capabilities people need to lead a good life. If the aim is to achieve major structural change to the economy, we should state clearly, in numbers, what types of shifts matter and what degree of change might constitute success.
By Andrew Harrop and Robert Tinker.
March 2014

Home Truths

This research confirms that the public politics of housing benefit is complicated and dominated by negative attitudes towards claimants. But the research also demonstrates ways in which a more nuanced and positive debate can be fostered. This more positive debate is crucial for the fight against homelessness and poverty in the coming years.
By Natan Doron and Robert Tinker.
June 2013

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