The electoral year in Europe started last week with national elections in the Netherlands. French presidential elections will follow in April and May and in autumn there will be German federal elections and parliamentary elections in Bulgaria and the Czech...
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A week after the referendum result, British MEPs arrived back in Brussels to see a huge sign in the windows of the parliament building. It read: 'We Will Miss You!' Well actually the 'M' had fallen off sometime during the...
Leaving the EU has many implications - most of which are only now starting to become clear. Some affect the environment: it is often said that 80 per cent of UK environmental legislation comes from Europe, whilst the EU common...
The Brexit negotiations will shape Britain for many years to come.
Just as our membership of the EU helped define our economy, society and place in the world for more than four decades, so the decision to leave will define us...
We all know there will be a number of crucial decisions taken in 2017. And we have to re-think how the European project continues in-line with the upcoming negotiations.
Let us remind ourselves that we are celebrating 60 years of the...
The path to a soft Brexit lies along a very narrow ridge, with vertiginous drops to hard Brexit on one side and to remain on the other. Even worse, we’re groping along in the dark, with each step – a...