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2014, Labour's year of...Ending digital exclusion

Governments across the world are embracing digital technology. The prime minister even live-tweeted his latest ministerial reshuffle. But we would be wrong to assume that everyone in our society is enjoying the greater choice, better job prospects, and easier access...

2014, Labour's year of...Digital government

This government has not hesitated to criticise both the ICT suppliers and the digital record of the last Labour government, claiming billions of pounds of savings by breaking up a ‘closed cartel’ of government suppliers.

It is to be hoped that...

Review: Our London

Do young Londoners like me still have the same opportunities as the last generation? That’s one of the questions asked by Shadow London Minister Sadiq Khan in ‘Our London’ – a book devoted to debate and discussion on the future...

City of Culture 2017: New hope for Hull?

“Very nice and flat for cycling” was the faint praise Philip Larkin offered Hull, the place where the great poet made his home for over 30 years and which has today been named City of Culture in 2017.

Others would be...

Grammar schools are broken, and I should know

Last week, John Major, ex-prime minister and former grammar school pupil, expressed his shock and dismay at the way in which ‘every sphere of modern public life’ is now dominated by ‘a private school elite and well-heeled middle class’. Major was...

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