DAVID COATS: The coronavirus pandemic has exposed deep flaws in a social security system built for a different age. Now, more than ever, it is time to lay out a new vision for the future, writes David Coats.
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Andrew Harrop puts forward immediate options for helping low and middle-income households.
CHARLOTTE TOSTI: The Labour party must become a voice not just for waged labourers but emotional labourers too.
15 million people in the UK are expected to be living in poverty in 2020 including 2 million pensioners and over 4 million children. Where Next? calls on the next government to introduce an urgent ‘rescue’ package immediately after the general election followed by a sustained increase in spending.
A revolution in social security is needed after the general election including a 1-year emergency plan and a 10-year blueprint for reform, according to a new Fabian Society report published after 9 months of consultation.
A revolution in social security is needed after the general election including a 1-year emergency plan and a 10-year blueprint for reform, according to a new Fabian Society report published after 9 months of consultation.