The future of the left since 1884

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Left and local? What's next for Labour's devolution agenda under Corbyn?

25 September 2015

While Labour were in government, they tended to address socio-economic challenges through a national frame. But during the party's first term of opposition it began to create space for local responses. The 2015 manifesto included proposals to devolve economic power,...

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National Living Wage - how should the left respond?

24 September 2015

Last July saw one of the most extraordinary acts of political cross-dressing in British history. In the first Budget of the first all-Conservative government since the UK’s first National Minimum Wage was introduced against vigorous Tory opposition, the Chancellor announced...

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Understanding Corbynmania

23 September 2015

The labour party has much in common with the phoenix, the mythical, long-lived bird that is cyclically reborn. When the bird is in its youth, it is defined by beauty and power. As time passes, its feathers grow dull and it becomes tired. And...

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Chuka Umunna: "We shouldn't be seen as an opposition to Corbyn - we want to feed ideas in”

23 September 2015

Not long before the new Labour leader was announced, Chuka Umunna bumped into a constituent in a Streatham supermarket car park. “I asked him who he was supporting, and he said: ‘Well, you’re not going to like it, but I’m...

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What can austerity Britain afford for older people?

21 September 2015

We are now entering a key period in UK politics, the outcome of which will shape the health and welfare landscape for older people for the next five years at least – and possibly for a lot longer. The party conferences...

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Jeremy Corbyn's plans risk harming the people they're designed to help

19 September 2015

Looking at the Corbyn insurgency through the prism of policy risks misunderstanding its essence. Corbynmania, at its heart, reflects a yearning for a different way of doing politics – a departure in tone, mindset and organisation from the orthodoxies of...

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