The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


The Inequality Election

8 April 2015

Politics is fragmenting and it seems another inconclusive election is before us. The established Westminster parties have failed to find an answer to public disenchantment, as people say ‘you’re all the same’. But this year the choice between a Labour...

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A new public realm: Notes from urban India

27 March 2015

For anyone with a feel for recent British history, it was a heart-breaking scene: a brand new estate of social housing blocks, sat on the edge of city. The residents newly ‘decanted’ miles from their jobs and social networks, with...

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Public opinion and the EU

25 March 2015

With the prospect of an in/out referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU) looming in the next few years, you might expect the issue to be exercising voters ahead of May’s election. On the face of it, however, we...

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Farewell to Marcus Roberts

24 March 2015

The Fabian Society is sad to announce that our deputy general secretary Marcus Roberts has decided to leave the organisation after the general election to take up an exciting new position. Marcus has been with the Fabians for 3 ½...

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Why our green space are facing an existential crisis

20 March 2015

Over the course of the next parliament, our green spaces face an existential crisis. In rosier economic times, the last Labour government embarked on a major program of investment in the public realm. There was not just a sense that...

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Why the EU is the next battleground in the fight against sanitary taxes

19 March 2015

Mooncups, tampons and sanitary pads have been taxed for almost half a century on “luxury, non-essential” grounds. Just because a male dominated parliament in 1973 confused what was essential for millions of people within the UK, with what was immediately...

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