The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Long read

Turning tides

30 June 2022

It is almost quarter of a century since the people of Wales voted yes to devolution. Welsh first minister Mark Drakeford looks at what has happened since – and suggests there are some stark choices ahead for the Union

Continue Reading Wales / Devolution

Mums in prison

22 June 2022

KELLY GREHAN: We must do more to support children with mothers in the criminal justice system

Continue Reading Women / Justice

Revisiting Rawls

15 June 2022

What can Labour learn from John Rawls? RICHARD WILLIS explores

Continue Reading Labour party

The economics of the good life

14 June 2022

JEEVUN SANDHER: We should be looking to promote wellbeing and not just economic growth

Continue Reading Economy / Health
Long read

Easing the squeeze

10 June 2022

What should be Labour’s priorities for the economy? The Fabian Review canvassed some ideas

Continue Reading Economy

Missing the fundamentals

26 May 2022

DANIEL JOHNSON MSP: Scotland needs a fresh approach to economic policy

Continue Reading Economy / Scotland

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