The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Kindness in the NHS

5 July 2013

Being the secretary of state for health must be both a wonderful and a frustrating job. You have the glorious NHS to look after. Every day you are witness to the audacious claim that we are good enough to provide,...

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3 July 2013

I will never forget the dispiriting journey of my grandmother through England’s health and care system and the battles my mum fought to get her basic levels of care. Like generations of pensioners, my gran lost her life savings to...

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Spending Wisely

1 July 2013

Today the Fabian Society publishes the first report of our Commission on Future Spending Choices, a year-long inquiry into the spending choices which will face whatever government comes to power in 2015. We set up the commission at a time...

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Beyond apology

1 July 2013

Labour’s masochism strategy has us trapped picking over the bones of our past when we should be talking about the country’s future. In arguing that things the last Labour government actually got right we got wrong, we seem intent on...

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Why Osborne is announcing more cuts today

26 June 2013

Why is the Chancellor announcing cuts today at all? Figures released by the OBR show why. Despite spending cuts weak growth has meant that from 2011-12 the deficit has barely moved, throwing the government’s strategy way off course. The deficit fell...

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Freedom to live up to hope

12 June 2013

Politics can be overflowing with gurus at times. And it’s sometimes hard to tell who might be a flash in the pan rather than the next Beatrice Webb. So it’s worth reflecting on those who have genuinely changed the political landscape,...

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