The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Long read

Socialism and patriotism in a time of crisis

1 February 2021

PAUL RICHARDS: Eighty years ago this month, George Orwell published The Lion and the Unicorn. It is still important today.

Continue Reading Labour party / Justice

Hearing their voices

27 January 2021

How do Scottish voters see their future – and how might Labour win them back? Martin McCluskey and Katherine Sangster report on new Fabian research.

Continue Reading Scotland / Elections
Long read

Rebuilding trust

21 January 2021

NICK THOMAS-SYMONDS MP: Labour’s commitment to keeping people safe must be felt by all across the country.

Continue Reading Crime / Security / Labour party

Getting it right

18 January 2021

BEN COOPER: As the UK City of Culture title passes to Coventry, there are lessons to be learnt from Hull’s experience.

Continue Reading Culture

Lessons in progress

11 January 2021

KATE GREEN: Good education is key to a better future – and that is what Labour wants to prioritise.

Continue Reading Education / Inequality / Class

Onwards and upwards

8 January 2021

CHRIS CLARKE: In 2021, Labour must embrace the spirit of pluralism.

Continue Reading Democracy / History

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