The future of the left since 1884

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Gazing towards the horizon

Labour cannot be a heritage brand, but must build a vision for the future that has something for everyone, writes Andrew Harrop
The 20th anniversary of Labour’s extraordinary 1997 election campaign arrives at a very dark moment for the left in...

Health localism: what the English public thinks

Greater Manchester's experiment in NHS devolution turns one today, but do poeple in the rest of England want to follow? Andrew Harrop, Tobias Phibbs and Tara Paterson outline the findings of a national opinion poll for the Fabian Society
NHS devolution...

Local and National

It is early days for the devolution of healthcare, but NHS localism has the potential to transform how public services are delivered in England. What does the public think about health devolution?
Edited by Tobias Phibbs
March 2017

Brexit becomes reality

Our general secretary, Andrew Harrop writes a letter to our European friends
For pro-Europeans in Britain the last six months have been devastating. For a while, after the 23 June referendum, there was a feeling of disbelief and defiance. Tens of...

Apocalypse soon?

Labour is too weak to win and too strong to die. It needs to find a new cultural centre ground and consider how to work with others, writes Andrew Harrop
The politics of 2016 may have been frenetic but now an uneasy calm has...


The Labour Party is too weak to win the next election – whether it takes place in 2017 or 2020. But it is also too strong to be displaced, according to this analysis.
By Andrew Harrop
January 2017

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