The future of the left since 1884

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Continental Partnership

The path to a soft Brexit lies along a very narrow ridge, with vertiginous drops to hard Brexit on one side and to remain on the other. Even worse, we’re groping along in the dark, with each step – a...

The grammar problem

The return of grammar schools to the political agenda of the UK government should be a huge concern for progressives. What’s of even greater concern is how the Tory government has attempted to articulate the proposals within the discourse of...

Hope against hate

Can King's vision overcome Trump's vitriol?
On November 13, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered an impromptu speech in Newcastle upon Tyne after receiving an honorary doctorate from Newcastle University. King challenged his British audience to join him in confronting...

Trump and Brexit: Why it’s again NOT the economy, stupid

For months, commentators have flocked to diagnose the ills that have supposedly propelled Trump’s support, from the Republican primaries until now. As in Britain, many have settled on a ‘left behind’ narrative – that it is the poor white working-class losers from...

Trump's Triumph: a warning for Labour

So now we know. The rational, evidence-based, pro-government, left-liberal feminist was unable to defeat the emotive, post-fact, anti-establishment, authoritarian misogynist. The shocking presidential election result, just months after the Brexit referendum, is another body-blow to the values which underpin the Fabian tradition....

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