The future of the left since 1884

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A Convenient Truth

Politics can provide us with a different future and the transition to environmental sustainability is not only within our grasp, but will be better for all of us.
By Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
September 2014

Labour's Britain: A new generation of communities

Few people would dispute that Britain is in the middle of a housing crisis.

The exact numbers might be open to argument but the ever growing gap between supply and demand means that millions of hard working people are increasingly priced...

Three steps to Tackle the English Question

Everyone I know who isn't a Labour politician thinks English votes for English laws is a start, but just a start in dealing with the question of power in England. Only Conservative MPs think it resolves it. The Tory move...

Labour's Britain: Going for growth

The key to a successful Labour government from May 2015 lies in abandoning Tory/Lib Dem austerity and going for growth.

All our ambitions for seeing that everyone shares in higher living standards, for restoring security at work, for expanding public services,...

Labour's Britain: Fighting inequality

It was Ed Miliband in his Hugo Young lecture earlier this year who set out the defining purpose of politics: reducing inequality. It's a matter both of social justice and economic good sense: the more equal a country, the more...

Labour's Britain: Nation building

During the recent debate surrounding the future of the United Kingdom, the separatists’ ugly and deliberate conflation of England with Toryism represented a calculated insult. England: the country of the Tolpuddle martyrs, Clement Atlee, George Orwell, William Morris, William Blake...

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