JOE DROMEY: Achieving the government’s growth goals will require a focus on skills and training
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The third instalment of Your Time Starts Now, an analysis of the pressing first-term issues Labour faces, originally published in the autumn 2024 edition of the Fabian Review. Featuring RICHARD ANGELL, OLIVER WALSH and NATALIE PERERA on seizing 'easy wins' to improve lives while spending less
SYLVIA MCNAMARA: The pandemic had a profound impact on children in their early years
LINDSEY MACMILLAN and JAKE ANDERS: Reforms to school and university admissions could transform the life chances of disadvantaged children and young people
This edition of the Fabian Review focuses on how to make Britain a better place to grow up in, with contributions from Lindsey Macmillan and Jake Anders, Tommy Gale, Ben Cooper, and Sylvia McNamara. Plus, John Healey MP stakes out Labour’s defence credentials in conversation with Iggy Wood.
JANE PRINSLEY: Far from being a quick fix for teacher workload, ready-made resources threaten lesson quality and school autonomy. Teachers need protected planning and collaboration time instead