The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Listen again: The week in review: the speech, the leader, the party

1 October 2015

At this Labour party conference fringe event, our panelists discussed the state of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn's performance in the early stages of his leadership, and the challenges and opportunities for the party as it seeks to rebuild. Listen...

Continue Reading Elections

Listen again: Can the UK afford to meet the extra costs of disability?

1 October 2015

This Labour party conference fringe event, in partnership with Scope, explored how the UK can afford to meet the extra costs that people incur due to disability. We were joined by: Debbie Abrahams MP (shadow minister for disabled people), Elliot Dunster (group...

Continue Reading Health / Public Services / Social Care

Labour needs a new Beveridge Report, fit for the 21st Century

1 October 2015

Just before Parliament broke for recess the Welfare Reform and Work Bill was about to pass another hurdle on the way to becoming law. George Osborne hailed it as “a central part of a new contract for Britain”, which all...

Continue Reading Facing the Future / Welfare

The fightback should start with our local councils

1 October 2015

It may sound obvious, but the people of Brentford and Isleworth didn’t elect me in May to sit on the opposition benches. They voted for me because the wanted to see a Labour government abolish the bedroom tax and protect...

Continue Reading Facing the Future

Listen again: Campaigning and being heard in the new multiparty era

30 September 2015

This Labour party conference fringe event was held in partnership with the Electoral Reform Society, Compass and Progress and discussed the rise of smaller parties and what it means for the way we do politics. We were joined by: Richard Angell (director,...

Continue Reading Conservatives / Elections

Listen again: Is the left ready for a new social contract?

30 September 2015

This Labour party conference fringe event, in partnership with the NCS Trust, explored what a new social contract designed by the left should look like. We were joined by: Janet Royall (Labour peer and former leader of the House of Lords),...

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