The future of the left since 1884


Research, policy, comment and analysis from our latest publications. Browse through our back catalogue or search for a report or pamphlet.

Historic Fabian Society publications from before 2000 are available at the LSE Digital Library

Mutual Action, Common Purpose

Mutual Action, Common Purpose

The Third Sector forms a crucial part of Labour's mission to build a fairer society. In this Fabian Freethinking paper, David Blunkett argues that the voluntary, community and not for profit sector have an increasingly important role in supporting people...

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Fabian Review - Autumn 2008

Fabian Review - Autumn 2008

This autumn party conference issue of the Fabian Review is the Progressive Fightback Issue

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Fairness not Favours

Fairness not Favours

This has not been an easy time to be a British Muslim. British Muslims have been at the sharp end of many public controversies – from the threat of terrorism to the role of religion in a society of many...

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Fabian Review - Summer 2008

Fabian Review - Summer 2008

This summer the Fabian Review exposes and explores Britain's class taboos.

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How to Defend Inheritance Tax

How to Defend Inheritance Tax

Inheritance tax is under attack, and not just from the political right. The critics of this tax have dominated the debate over recent years but, as the authors of this Fabian pamphlet argue, inheritance tax is one of the best...

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Fabian Review - Spring 2008

Fabian Review - Spring 2008

The Spring 2008 Healthy Issue of the Fabian Review makes a range of policy proposals and arguments and reveals new insights into the public's views on health

Fabian Review - Winter 2007

Fabian Review - Winter 2007

Echoing the theme of the Fabian New Year Conference 2008, the Fabian Review focuses on foreign policy.

The Vision Thing

The Vision Thing

On the day of the ‘election that never was’, this Fabian Freethinking Paper argues that Gordon Brown must define his vision if he is to win another term in office.

"The Prime Minister can powerfully rebut the charge that his government...

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A New Social Europe

A New Social Europe

Now is the time for Gordon Brown to restate Labour's commitment to a social Europe argues former Blair adviser, Roger Liddle.


If the EU is to be economically successful, politically sustainable and gain the legitimacy to be effective in the wider...

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Fabian Review - Autumn 2007

Fabian Review - Autumn 2007

In this Party Conference issue of the Fabian Review, we reveal polling showing the public appetite for equality. As Gordon Brown's first Labour Party Conference as Prime Minister gets underway, what are the practical political issues that face him? How can he embed equality at the heart of his agenda? What will be in the next Manifesto?

Facing Out: How party politics must change

Facing Out: How party politics must change

Reconnecting people to politics is the issue of the moment. Alongside public scrutiny of our constitutional settlement, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, renewal must also involve thinking about how parties can contribute to strengthening democracy.

In the latest Fabian...

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Labour's Choice: The Deputy Leadership

Labour's Choice: The Deputy Leadership

In Labour's Choice: The Deputy Leadership the six candidates for the deputy leadership – Hilary Benn, Hazel Blears, Jon Cruddas, Peter Hain, Harriet Harman, and Alan Johnson – set out why they should take over the post and outline their visions for the next decade of progressive...

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Stopping the Far Right

Stopping the Far Right

The rise of far right extremists – such as the British National Party – is one of the most worrying trends of recent times. With ever more candidates, increased media attention and a rising number of votes, the BNP seems...

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A Common Place

A Common Place

A new national day for Britain is one of the proposals in a Fabian pamphlet by Communities and Local Government Secretary Ruth Kelly and Immigration Minister Liam Byrne. A Common Place argues that our liberalism and tolerance have never been...

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How peace broke out in the Middle East

How peace broke out in the Middle East

Pessimism dominates discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet the idea that the time is not ripe for peace implies that some more auspicious moment will arise – at some future unspecified date. In reality, continuing on the well-trodden path of...

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Born Unequal: Why we need a progressive pre-birth agenda

Born Unequal: Why we need a progressive pre-birth agenda

InBritain, by the time a baby is born, its chances of living a healthy, fulfilling life are already decided. Building on Narrowing the Gap, Louise Bamfield examines the reasons for inequalities at birth and explores the ways in which government...

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Narrowing the Gap

Narrowing the Gap

Narrowing the Gap, the final report of the Fabian Commission on life chances and child poverty, sets out a strategy for tackling inequality in Britain today. The report sets out the facts about unequal Britain- where one in five children...

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Challenging the Citadel: Breaking the hospitals' hold on the NHS

Challenging the Citadel: Breaking the hospitals' hold on the NHS

The authors argue that the NHS is far too focused on the hospital as an institution. The challenges of the 21st century require an NHS focused on public health and health prevention, but this will not be possible if the...

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