The future of the left since 1884


Research, policy, comment and analysis from our latest publications. Browse through our back catalogue or search for a report or pamphlet.

Historic Fabian Society publications from before 2000 are available at the LSE Digital Library

A good life in all regions

Uniting our country to end poverty

The report of the Fabian Society's Commission on Regional Poverty and Inequality concludes that the UK has two major regional economy challenges – ‘low growth’ outside the south east, where places lack good jobs; and ‘overheating’ in the capital, where living costs are too high.

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In time of need - Scotland

Building income security for all

This paper is the Scottish element of the UK-wide report In Time of Need, published at the end of March this year. It it calls on Holyrood to seize the opportunity of its devolved powers to lead the way on income replacement in the UK.

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Lawful and fair

Building a better migration system

In this pamphlet, Will Somerville and Sarah Mulley set out robust proposals to reform our migration system. They argue that it must be based on sound principles: it must be fair, it must be grounded in democratic consent, and it must respect people’s rights under the law.

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Support guaranteed

The roadmap to a National Care Service

Plans for a National Care Service for England were first presented 13 years ago in the dying days of the last Labour government. Since then no detailed work has taken place to flesh out what the service might look like or how it should be implemented. That is the purpose of this report.

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Spring 2023

Fabian Review

This edition of the Fabian Review focuses on public opinion and how it can be influenced, with contributions from Paula Surridge, Florian Foos, Chris Curtis and Will Snell. Plus, Jonathan Reynolds sets out his pro-business, pro-worker approach in conversation with Kate Murray.

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Britain Reconnected

A foreign policy for security and prosperity at home

In this publication, David Lammy MP identifies the major geopolitical trends that will shape the UK's place in the world, and sets out the next Labour government’s approach to foreign policy

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In time of need

Building employment insurance for all

Andrew Harrop, Howard Reed and Eloise Sacares make the case for a comprehensive new system of British employment insurance.

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Healthy Britain

A new approach to health and wellbeing policy

Kim Leadbeater MP sets out a new, comprehensive strategy for improving the UK's health and wellbeing.

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Winter 2022

Fabian Review

This edition of the Fabian Review explores the long-term change a Starmer government could deliver, with contributions from Karl Pike, Francis Beckett and Ciaran Driver. Anna Turley takes aim at child poverty, and Kate Harrison examines whether austerity can be sold to the public for a second time. Plus, Steve Reed MP sets out Labour's justice priorities.

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Green and Pleasant

Rebuilding rural Britain

An essay collection exploring the challenges faced by rural and coastal communities and how Labour should respond to them.

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Reclaiming freedom

The case for a 21st century bill of powers and duties

In this pamphlet, Liam Byrne MP calls for Labour to make freedom its defining cause once again

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Breaching the Sea Wall

Polling Labour's support in coastal towns

This briefing develops a new constituency grouping based on town and coastal geography: the 'Sea Wall'.

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Annual report 2022

The future of the left since 1884

Download the Fabian Society’s 2021/2022 annual report, including information on major activities, publications and events over the past year.

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Levelling up?

Lessons from Germany

This report sets out the lessons which can be learned from Germany on rebalancing regional growth

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Good pensions for all

The left's agenda for private pensions

Setting out a way to ensure a good retirement income for life.

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The equality question

Why Labour should re-embrace its egalitarian roots

Our new pamphlet makes the case for the fight against inequality to be a core mission for Labour.

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Autumn 2022

Fabian Review

This issue of the Fabian Review features Meg Russell, Stephen Beer and Wes Streeting MP on the cost of living crisis and the next election. Nick Thomas-Symonds MP traces the legacy of Harold Wilson and Sarah Crook writes on motherhood and politics.

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Enduring values

How progressives across Europe can win

An essay collection exploring the progressive values which can connect with voters in the UK and the EU.

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