The future of the left since 1884

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A spanner in the Brexit works

A week after the referendum result, British MEPs arrived back in Brussels to see a huge sign in the windows of the parliament building. It read: 'We Will Miss You!' Well actually the 'M' had fallen off sometime during the...

The new Luddites vs the Borg

The critical need for socialism in the future
We are on the verge of yet another revolution. The triple whammy of ubiquitous connectivity, artificial intelligence and robotics will enhance our quality of life whilst at the same time bringing about devastating...

Family and kinship for the 21st century

Finding affordable, good quality, flexible childcare has long been a headache for working parents. But the government has plans to address this issue. This September the amount of free childcare offered to three and four year olds in England will...

The final straw

"Unless the final settlement proves to be acceptable, then the option of retaining EU membership should be retained. The final settlement should therefore be subject to approval, through Parliament and potentially through a general election or referendum"
Though heavily publicised by...

A costly business

Changes in business rates – the equivalent of council tax for businesses – are causing a storm of protest.
The property values used to calculate business rates are being updated from the levels set seven years ago (having been deferred for...

A feminist foreign policy

Sweden is the first county in the world to champion a feminist foreign policy. The country has a population of 10 million people and is one of Europe’s biggest donors of foreign aid. It is also among the top five...

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