The future of the left since 1884

Winter 2022: Fabian Review


This edition of the Fabian Review explores the long-term change a Starmer government could deliver, with contributions from Karl Pike, Francis Beckett and Ciaran Driver. Anna Turley takes aim at child poverty, and Kate Harrison examines whether austerity can be sold to the public for a second time. Plus, Steve Reed MP sets out Labour’s justice priorities.

Also in this issue: Rushanara Ali MP on Labour’s plan for mortgage-holders; Thom Brooks on fraud; Eloise Sacares on student maintenance loans; David Arnold on securing pay growth; Nick Plumb on high street renewal; Osama Bhutta on the cost of renting; Anna Dixon on social care reform; Kelly Grehan on the chaos in our public services; and Josephine Harmon on globalisation and the left.

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Radical realism

27 February 2023

DAVID ARNOLD: Labour and the unions need a shared understanding of how pay will increase

Continue reading Trade unions / Labour party

High time

22 February 2023

NICK PLUMB: We need to put communities in the driving seat of high street renewal

Continue reading Devolution / Economy

Costly neglect

16 February 2023

THOM BROOKS: Tackling spiralling levels of fraud must be a priority for Labour

Continue reading Crime / Technology

Thinking global

14 February 2023

JOSEPHINE HARMON: Globalisation is undermining the institutions that social democracy depends on. Labour must look outwards to build a better future here and abroad

Continue reading European Union / Economy / Trade

Root causes

10 February 2023

OSAMA BHUTTA: The cost of living crisis is a cost of housing crisis

Continue reading Housing

Second time around

8 February 2023

KATE HARRISON: The Conservatives will have a tougher time selling cuts than they did back in 2010

Continue reading Conservatives / Welfare

Back to the future

7 February 2023

STEVE REED MP: It is time to get tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime once more

Continue reading Crime

Why Starmer Can't be Blair

1 February 2023

CIARAN DRIVER: Times have changed since Blair left office – and with them, the economic consensus

Continue reading Labour party

Home truths

30 January 2023

RUSHANARA ALI: Ending mortgage misery is core business for Labour

Continue reading Housing

Starmer's choice

27 January 2023

FRANCIS BECKETT: Seismic political shifts can reshape the nation. It’s up to the Labour leader to seize the moment

Continue reading Labour party / History

Showing Ambition

20 January 2023

KARL PIKE: Keir Starmer has some big choices to make about the government he wants to lead. Whatever he decides, he cannot afford to be unambitious

Continue reading Labour party

A Fairer Path

18 January 2023

ELOISE SACARES: Labour should put the tuition fee debate to one side. Maintenance loan reform would deliver more to those who need help most

Continue reading Education

The unforgivable scandal

16 January 2023

ANNA TURLEY: Millions of children are living in poverty. Labour must win the next election for their sake

Continue reading Poverty / Class

People first

16 January 2023

ANNA DIXON: Social care reform is long overdue. The change we need will require bold action

Continue reading Social Care

Kate Murray

Kate Murray is the editor of the Fabian Review.


Iggy Wood

Iggy Wood is the assistant editor at the Fabian Society. He previously worked in an NHS community health team.


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