The future of the left since 1884


Research, policy, comment and analysis from our latest publications. Browse through our back catalogue or search for a report or pamphlet.

Historic Fabian Society publications from before 2000 are available at the LSE Digital Library

Who speaks to England?

Labour's English challenge

This collection explores what it means to be English and how the left can build an authentic English radicalism.
Edited by Tobias Phibbs
October 2016

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Green Places

Putting the local environment at the heart of the devolution agenda

The local environment can be the 'green thread' that binds devolution deals together.
Edited by Ed Wallis and Claire Sewell
October 2016

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An Inclusive Future

Ensuring disabled people play a key role in the changing world of work

The essays in this collection offer hope for a more inclusive economy in which disabled employees can play a full part.
Edited by Cameron Tait
September 2016

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Politics by People

A new charter for democratic reform, written by activists from across the Labour movement

A six-point charter to reset and reinvigorate our democracy.
By Olivia Bailey
September 2016

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Autumn 2016

Fabian Review

This edition of Fabian Review looks at the calls for a British patriotic vision to bring the country together again and the rediscovery of English socialism with Ben Jackson, Tom Kelsey, Jon Wilson and Andrew Harrop, plus Mary Riddell interviews Neil Kinnock.

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Facing the Unknown

Building a progressive response to Brexit

Essays setting out 11 principles for a progressive Brexit.
Edited by Olivia Bailey
September 2016

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For Us All

Redesigning social security, for the 2020s

Why are current policies failing - and how can we create a social security system fit for the future?
By Andrew Harrop
August 2016

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The Ideal Candidate

Discussion paper

Part of the diversity series, this report reveals there is more to be done to tackle homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in the Labour party.
By Olivia Bailey
August 2016

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Civic Socialism

A new agenda for arts and culture

A rich cultural life in our villages, suburbs, towns and cities can help us make sense of the world around us.
By Ed Wallis
August 2016

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Changing work

Progressive ideas for the modern world of work

The first publication from the Changing Work Centre, a joint initiative by the Fabians and Community trade union exploring progressive ideas for the modern world of work.
Edited by Yvette Cooper MP
July 2016

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Summer 2016

Fabian Review

This edition of Fabian Review focuses on how a continent, country and party were pulled apart, with Ruth Davis, John Denham, Andrew Harrop and Duncan Weldon, plus Conor Pope interviews Angela Eagle.

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A Unique Contribution

Reducing budget deficits and tackling inequality with a one-off wealth tax

A one-off levy for the super-rich would help tackle growing inequality.
By Nick Donovan
June 2016

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The message from the marginals

Labour’s performance in the English local elections of 2016

Local election results show there is no room for complacency for Labour.
By Lewis Baston
May 2016

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Future Left

Can the left respond to a changing society?

This collection of essays bring together voices from the UK and EU to look at where next for the left in a fast-changing world.
Edited by Andrew Harrop and Ed Wallis
April 2016

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Productive Purpose

Investment, competitiveness and the new economics

A coherent economic strategy that increases productive investment and improves competitiveness would enthuse those eager for change without departing from mainstream economics.
By Bryan Gould
April 2016

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Argument or organisation?

The battle over membership of the European Union

This report presents the main findings and conclusions from a Fabian Society and GQRR poll which explored attitudes and arguments about the referendum campaign.
By Olivia Bailey
April 2016

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Spring 2016

Fabian Review

The forthcoming spring issue of Fabian Review outlines new opportunities for transforming attitudes to welfare and new approaches to tackling poverty. With Andrew Harrop, Olivia Bailey and Alison McGovern.

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The ABC of Chairmanship

The essential handbook on running effective meetings

Since it was first published in 1939, The ABC of Chairmanship has been routinely recommended to aspiring trade unionists by their general secretaries, and Labour party chairs often suggest delegates use it. 
By Walter Citrine
Reprinted in 2023
Price: £12.50
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