The future of the left since 1884


Research, policy, comment and analysis from our latest publications. Browse through our back catalogue or search for a report or pamphlet.

Historic Fabian Society publications from before 2000 are available at the LSE Digital Library

Places to be

Green spaces for active citizenship

We must keep our green outdoor spaces open to all and so empower our citizens.
By Ed Wallis
March 2015

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A recipe for inequality

Why our food system is leaving low-income households behind

Evidence from the Fabian Commission on Food and Poverty shows how those on lower incomes are now spending a greater proportion of their budget on food.
March 2015

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A future without poverty

A joint report

The Fabian Society and Bright Blue present a range of perspectives from left and right on tackling poverty.
March 2015

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Inequality 2030

Britain's choice for living standards and poverty

Unless we introduce a strategy to improve living standards and reduce poverty, we will face a huge rise in inequality.
By Andrew Harrop and Howard Reed
February 2015

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Values Added

Rethinking tax for the 21st century

Instead of simplistic discussions of whether tax should go up or down, we urgently need a fundamental reassessment of how we tax, and to what end.
Edited by Daisy-Rose Srblin
February 2015

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Common ground?

An analysis of the Liberal Democrat and Labour programmes

In the run-up to the 2015 election, with the possibility of another coalition on the horizon, what shape would an alliance between Labour and the Liberal Democrats take?
By Andrew Harrop and Stephen Lee
February 2015

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Taking back control

Where next for household energy efficiency policy in the UK?

We need a new politics of energy efficiency, focused on putting people in control of their place in the world: their homes, their local environment and their family finances.
By Ingrid Holmes, Rebecca Lawson & Ed Wallis
February 2015

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Transition by consent

Meeting Britain’s energy needs together

The long-term low carbon transition can only occur with the consent of the public. Rather than a renewed focus on top-down solutions, communities need to be given a greater role in infrastructure design and development.
By Cameron Tait
January 2015

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In It Together

Labour's new relationship with business

There are good reasons why a new approach to business – where concerns
around economic long-termism, public health, environmental sustainability and strong local communities become integral to a profitable British business model – should appeal to both the political instincts of the left and to the bottom line of businesses.
By Robert Tinker and Ed Wallis
January 2015

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Winter 2014

Fabian Review

The big questions the election campaign won’t answer. Martin O’Neill, Charles Clarke, Zoe Williams, Philip Collins, Sonia Sodha and Ann Pettifor talk tax; John McTernan on why foreign policy is missing in action; Fergus Green says Labour can create a green golden age and Yvette Cooper talks to Mary Riddell.

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Out of Sight

How we lost track of thousands of NEETs, and how we can transform their prospects

There are many more young people than we thought who are not in eemployment, education or training. It is time to give them the support they need.
By Richard Brooks
December 2014

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More than passengers

Transport, community and power

Transport provides a prime opportunity for a reforming Labour government to put its rhetoric into practice, devolving power and trusting citizens. The result should be transport policy that more accurately reflects both the needs and wishes of Britons.
By Marcus Roberts
November 2014

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Labour's Local Offer

Ideas for a radical local manifesto

This collection explores the options for taking power from Westminster and
Whitehall and putting it back into communities where it belongs. With an introduction by Lisa Nandy.
November 2014

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Going public

The left's new direction for public services

Our public services can deliver value while retaining a strong public character.
By Andrew Harrop with Robert Tinker
November 2014

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Riding the New Wave

Feminism and the Labour party

Labour is the party of social justice, equality and tolerance. How can it retain its relevance to a new generation of feminists?
Edited by Anya Pearson and Rosie Rogers
October 2014

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Revolt on the Left

Labour's Ukip problem and how it can be overcome

Labour's answer to the UKIP challenge must engage on matters of policy, message and organisation alike.
By Marcus Roberts, incorporating research from Rob Ford and Ian Warren
October 2014

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Autumn 2014

Fabian Review

How the next Labour manifesto can reshape Britain. Andrew Harrop writes on Labour’s new statecraft and Margaret Hodge MP and Dan Jarvis MP comment on the challenges facing a new generation of Labour MPs PLUS Mary Riddell speaks to Jim Murphy MP.

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A Convenient Truth

A better society for us and the planet

Politics can provide us with a different future and the transition to environmental sustainability is not only within our grasp, but will be better for all of us.
By Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
September 2014

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