The future of the left since 1884


Research, policy, comment and analysis from our latest publications. Browse through our back catalogue or search for a report or pamphlet.

Historic Fabian Society publications from before 2000 are available at the LSE Digital Library

The Economic Alternative

The politics and policy of a fair economy

This collection of essays emerging from the Fabian New Year conference 2012 includes Owen Jones, Patrick Diamond, Stephany Griffith-Jones, Sunny Hundal and Tessa Jowell.
Edited by Andrew Harrop
February 2012

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The challenge of sustainable aviation policy in the UK

A discussion paper

The paper argues that a process of reframing the aviation debate must be undertaken involving a clear set of policy objectives, an enhanced understanding of public attitudes and a move away from oppositional, short-termist politics.
By Natan Doron
February 2012

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The Coalition and Universalism

Cuts, targeting and the future of welfare

This report analyses data from the 1970s to the 1990s for 11 OECD nations and shows that, counter-intuitively, welfare systems which are tightly targeted to low income groups tend to reduce poverty less. A system’s success in poverty reduction is instead related to the overall amount of expenditure.
By Andrew Harrop
January 2012

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Punishment and Reform

How our justice system can help cut crime

To inform the conclusions of the Labour Party policy review, this collection brings together a group of experts from across the criminal justice field to investigate reform.
Edited by Sadiq Khan
December 2011

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Winter 2011

Fabian Review

The economy's broken - with new polling showing public appetite for a fairer, more sustainable capitalism, the Fabian Review explores how we might fix it.

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Homes for Citizens

The politics of a fair housing policy

In this Fabian Ideas pamphlet, Vidhya Alakeson, Richard Capie, Kate Green, Brian Johnson, Matt Leach, Nick Raynsford, Duncan Shrubsole, and Rebecca Tunstall focus on the crisis in British housing policy.
Edited by James Gregory
November 2011

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Water Use in Southern England

What do the public think is fair?

This research explores people’s sense of fairness with respect to household water use in order to identify ways of building public support for actions to preserve water supply.
By Natan Doron
October 2011

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The Credibility Deficit

How to rebuild Labour's economic reputation

To restore credibility, Labour should revisit its values: everyone should be able to participate in our economic life and inequality works against this. Applying these values will require Labour to take some tough decisions.
By Stephen Beer
September 2011

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Autumn 2011

Fabian Review

As Ed Miliband celebrates his first year as Labour leader, the Fabian Review Conference Special asks what he needs to do across the next 12 months to make Labour the party offering the winning formula in 2015.

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Summer 2011

Fabian Review

As the Labour Party begins to regroup after a painful election defeat, the Fabian Review looks at what went wrong, what went right, and how to move on.

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Europe's left in the crisis

How the next left can respond

In the times when our values are overshadowed by fear and greedy individualism, it is crucial to restore hope in them and to place them at the core of a new social contract. This book is a collection of groundbreaking, constructive thoughts on how to achieve that.
Edited by Sunder Katwala and Ernst Stetter
March 2011

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Spring 2011

Fabian Review

The spring Fabian Review looks at why things are getting worse for women under this government and sets out some new campaigns for gender equality

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The Solidarity Society

Why we can afford to end poverty and how to do it with public support

The Solidarity Society sets out a strategy for tackling poverty in Britain over the coming decades. It is the final report of a major Fabian Society research project, supported by the Webb Memorial Trust.
By James Gregory and Tim Horton
December 2010

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Winter 2010

Fabian Review

The Fabian Review's New Year Conference special examines some of the big questions Labour needs to ask itself during this process, on its route back to power.

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Work: The Grand Cure

How changing the way Britain works will be good for our health

Health inequalities are an issue of central importance to every government department; you can’t build a strong economy or a healthy society by parking health inequalities as an issue on the fringes of government.
By Howard Stoate and Bryan Jones
September 2010

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Separate and Unequal

Separate and Unequal

Britain is separate because it is unequal, and it is unequal because it is separate. The gap between rich and poor, having exploded during the 1980s, is still growing, despite measures to address poverty in the 13 years of Labour...

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Fabian Review - Autumn 2010

Fabian Review - Autumn 2010

The Fabian Review Conference Special charts the key moments across the leader’s first year.

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The Labour Leadership

The Labour Leadership

As part of the Fabian Society's work during the Labour Leadership contest, we commissioned all five candidates to write Fabian Essays. We then asked each of them five short questions which were submitted by Fabian members and contributors online.

In the...

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